
Morgan Bates

Project Scientist
UC Santa Barbara

MRL 3117E
Developing fluid flow and automation techniques for the synthesis and characterization of advanced macromolecular materials.

Christopher Bates

Associate Professor
UC Santa Barbara

We are interested in the design, synthesis, and characterization of soft materials.

Rita Blaik

Education Director
California NanoSystems Institute
UC Los Angeles

Dr. Rita Blaik is the Education Director of the California NanoSystems Institute at UCLA, where she assists in Education and Outreach activities for MIP.

David Bothman

Principal Development Engineer
California NanoSystems Institute
UC Santa Barbara

3227 Elings
Designing and building scientific instruments, and facilitating researchers who are working on their own projects is the focus of my work these days.

Kenneth Cerdan Gomez

Postdoctoral Researcher
UC Santa Barbara

Elings Hall, room 1235
Synthesis and characterization of stimuli-responsive polymers

Irene Chen

Chemistry and Biochemistry
UC Los Angeles

Boelter 4531K
We study life-like biochemical systems to understand their fundamental properties and address emerging challenges in biotechnology and infectious disease.

Jungyoun (James) Cho

Postdoctoral Researcher
UC Los Angeles

3D electron diffraction (3D ED) and MicroED for tiny crystals.

Dino Di Carlo

UC Los Angeles

5121E Engineering V
The Di Carlo Lab uses micro & nanoscale technology to study and engineer biology at its ultimate limits.

Paula Diaconescu

Chemistry and Biochemistry
UC Los Angeles

Organometallic chemistry for rational block copolymer synthesis

Abigail Doyle

UC Los Angeles

MSB 3515
We conduct research at the interface of organic, organometallic, and physical organic chemistry, enhanced by modern data science and machine learning.

Christopher Dunham

Computation and Data Specialist
UC Santa Barbara

3203 Elings Hall
Developing and integrating data management systems for an array of chemical synthesis and characterization tools.

Glenn Fredrickson

Distinguished Professor
Chemical Engineering
UC Santa Barbara

3105 MRL Building
The Fredrickson group has pioneered a new class of computer simulation techniques based on molecularly-informed statistical field theories. Such field-theoretic simulations enable the investigation of classical soft material and quantum many-body systems at an unprecedented range of length and timescales.

Miguel Garcia-Garibay

Dean of Physical Sciences
Distinguished Professor
Chemistry and Biochemistry
UC Los Angeles

Our group aims at advancing the field of organic solid-state chemistry by taking advantage of the reduced entropy and emergent properties that characterize the crystalline solid state.

Panagiotis (Panos) Georgiou

Postdoctoral Researcher

Molecular Sciences Building (MSB) 4234
Biomaterials and bio-engineering approaches to address healthcare challenges.

Mengyang Gu

Assistant Professor
Statistics and Applied Probability
UC Santa Barbara

Uncertainty quantification, surrogate models, inverse design, stochastic processes, and data science.

Caidric Gupit

Postdoctoral Researcher
UC Santa Barbara

Yang Hai

Assistant Professor
Chemistry and Biochemistry
UC Santa Barbara

Chem 1126B
We use genome mining to discover novel enzymes for biosynthesis and biodegradation of functional biopolymers.

Craig Hawker

Materials, Chemistry, and Biochemistry
UC Santa Barbara

3005 MRL
Preparing, educating and inspiring the next generation.

Matt Helgeson

Chemical Engineering
UC Santa Barbara

3337 Engineering II
Prof. Helgeson is an expert in rheological and structural characterization of soft materials, including the development of new high-throughput methods for microrheology.

Patricia Holden

UC Santa Barbara

3508 Bren Hall
Environmental Microbiology, Water and Soil, Pathogens, Biodegradation, Wastewater, Microplastics and Fibers, Stormwater

Tobias Höllerer

Computer Science
UC Santa Barbara

2155 HFH
Dr. Höllerer's research interests lie in the area of human-computer interaction, visualization and interactive machine learning.

Munshi Sahid Hossain

Postdoctoral Researcher
UC Santa Barbara

MRL 2009
We are developing structurally diverse functional building blocks that enable to get degradable polymer.

Wendy Ibsen

Outreach Lead
Center for Science and Engineering Partnerships
UC Santa Barbara

1205 Elings Hall
Fostering collaborations between science and engineering researchers and the larger community to promote STEM education and career awareness to a diverse student population.

Hyuk-Joon Jung

Postdoctoral Researcher
UC Los Angeles

Switchable catalysis for the one-pot synthesis of block copolymers.

Jin Koo Kim

Postdoctoral Researcher
UC Los Angeles

Boelter Hall 6631
Dr. Jin Koo Kim's research is directed to develop diverse nanostructured materials and experimental tools for various electrochemical applications to tackle urgent challenges regarding energy and environmental issues.

Debbie Kleinpeter

BioPACIFIC MIP Administrative Coordinator

3239 Elings Hall
Main point of contact for the BioPACIFIC MIP, providing administrative support and visitor coordination.

Phillip Kohl

Associate Specialist
UC Santa Barbara

1536 Elings Hall
Develop new analytical methods, techniques, and instrumentation for the x-ray diffraction lab.

Michael Lake

Project Scientist
UC Los Angeles

CNSI 2145
Operating the Living Biofoundry Facility at the UCLA CNSI for production and characterization of bio-inspired monomer material libraries.

Yuzhang Li

Assistant Professor
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
UC Los Angeles

4531-H Boelter Hall
Making new materials and inventing tools to understand their function to propel technologies in addressing global climate change.

Youli Li

Research Physicist
Materials Research Laboratory
UC Santa Barbara

MRL 2202
My research focus is on developing techniques, instrumentation tools, and analysis methods for advanced x-ray diffraction characterization of materials.

Arica Lubin

Education Lead
Center for Science and Engineering Partnerships
UC Santa Barbara

1203 Elings Hall
As the Education Lead, Arica Lubin oversees an innovative, nurturing, and inclusive education environment for the BioPACIFIC MIP.

Rajat Maji

Postdoctoral Researcher
UC Los Angeles

In August 2022 Dr. Maji joined the Doyle group at UCLA to work on designing radical polar crossover reactions aided by Data Science and High Throughput Experimentation.

M. Cristina Marchetti

Distinguished Professor
UC Santa Barbara

Broida 6235
Our group employs theory and computation to investigate the emergent behavior of active and living matter.

Tal Margalith

Executive Director
UC Santa Barbara

Elings 3235
Oversight of BioPACIFIC daily operations, shared-use facilities, industry relations, and the User Proposal program.

Heather Maynard

Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Bioengineering
UC Los Angeles

Maynard and her group synthesize novel functional polymers for applications in biomaterials, biotechnology, and nanotechnology.

Matthew Mecklenburg

Project Scientist
UC Los Angeles

I detect temperature and pressure via electron density measurements, and test the physical limits in electronic and spectroscopic imaging.

Carrie Mills

Assistant Professor
UC Santa Barbara

Bioengineering 3004
The Mills lab engineers and studies protein assemblies and materials to create accessible, bioengineered solutions in spaces like plastic waste degradation and oral vaccine delivery.

Aditya Nandy

Assistant Professor
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
UC Los Angeles

Boelter Hall Room 4667
We use simulations and machine learning to gain molecular level insights and develop testable hypotheses.

Zachary Nett

Staff Research Associate
UC Santa Barbara

3201 Elings Hall
Design, synthesis, and characterization of soft materials.

Saejin Oh

Postdoctoral Researcher
UC Santa Barbara

3209 Elings Hall
Novel materials discovery through computational approaches.

Ikechukwu Okorafor

Project Scientist
UC Los Angeles

CNSI 2145
Development and optimization of the Living Biofoundry for high-throughput synthetic biology.

Michelle O’Malley

Chemical Engineering
UC Santa Barbara

Engineering II - 3343
Synthetic biology of non-model microbes for drug discovery and sustainable chemistry.

Eleni Papananou

User Coordinator

As the User Coordinator for BioPACIFIC MIP, Eleni Papananou is responsible for the User Program’s leadership, management, and development.

Junyoung Park

Assistant Professor
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
UC Los Angeles

5531 Boelter Hall
The Park Lab quantitatively analyzes and engineers metabolism to solve challenges in energy, environmental protection, and medicine.

Angela Pitenis

Assistant Professor
UC Santa Barbara

We design, synthesize, and characterize soft bio-inspired materials.

Beth Pruitt

UC Santa Barbara

Bioengineering 3108
Custom measurements and analysis systems for small scale metrologies including custom probes, sensors and actuators for biomechanics and mechanotransduction assays.

Javier Read de Alaniz

Chemistry and Biochemistry
UC Santa Barbara

PSBN 1631-D
His research group seeks creative, synthetic solutions to problems at the interface of chemistry and material science.

Jose Rodriguez

Associate Professor
Chemistry and Biochemistry
UC Los Angeles

103 Boyer Hall
Assistant Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry focused on structure-based scientific discovery.

Fuzzy Rogers

Research Computing Administrator
Center for Scientific Computing
UC Santa Barbara

MRL, 2066B
I focus on facilitating varied and optimal usage of high performance computational resources to a diverse scientific audience, all the while keeping the hardware happy.

Pedro Salas-Ambrosio

Postdoctoral Researcher
UC Los Angeles

Pedro obtained a M.S. in polymer chemistry from the University National Autonomous of Mexico (UNAM) in 2015.

Omar Saleh

UC Santa Barbara

BioE 3006
The Saleh lab carries out precision experimental characterization of biopolymer and soft matter systems.

Alyson Santoro

Associate Professor
Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology
UC Santa Barbara

Marine Biotechnology Laboratory 2155
Investigating the physiology of marine microbes and all things nitrogen.

Daniel Schwalbe-Koda

Assistant Professor
Materials Science and Engineering
UC Los Angeles

Our lab develops computational and theoretical methods for automation, synthesis prediction, and materials design.

Rachel Segalman

Edward N. Kramer Professor
Chemical Engineering
UC Santa Barbara

3353A Engineering II
Bioinspired polymer synthesis and self-assembly to control properties.

M. Scott Shell

Chemical Engineering
UC Santa Barbara

Engineering II 3321
Prof. Shell develops novel molecular simulation, multiscale modeling, and statistical thermodynamic approaches to address problems in contemporary biophysics and soft condensed matter.

Ambuj Singh

Computer Science
UC Santa Barbara

Data-centric modeling of systems with a focus on the development of new methods that can be applied to real-world applications.

Ellen Sletten

Assistant Professor
Chemistry and Biochemistry
UC Los Angeles

MSB 4505A
Next-generation therapeutics and diagnostics composed of dynamic fluorous materials and shortwave infrared probes

Jen Smith

Project Scientist
Lab Manager
Biological Nanostructures Laboratory

Elings 3217
Assists researchers using instrumentation in the Biological Nanostructures Laboratory in research areas from biology to engineering.

Samanvaya Srivastava

Assistant Professor
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
UC Los Angeles

Boelter Hall 5531-D
We harness electrostatic and other non-covalent intermolecular interactions to design self-assembled soft materials.

Adam Stieg

Executive Director
UC Los Angeles

Dr. Stieg oversees the CNSI at UCLA’s Technology Centers - user facilities that foster innovation, facilitate collaborations with industry, and aid in rapid commercialization.

Yi Tang

Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Chemistry and Biochemistry
UC Los Angeles

My research lab is interested in natural product biosynthesis and biocatalysis.

Juan Manuel Urueña

Project Scientist
UC Santa Barbara

Developing bio derived materials and their application in additive manufacturing; Developing additive manufacturing tools and methodologies to improved material properties.

David Valentine

Norris Presidential Chair and Professor
Earth Science
UC Santa Barbara

Webb Hall 2017
Microbes, Molecules and their Milieu.

Megan Valentine

Mechanical Engineering
UC Santa Barbara

Soft material mechanics, design and manufacturing of bio-inspired materials, adhesion, rheology, instrument development .

Paul Weakliem

Computing Support and co-Director
Center for Scientific Computing
UC Santa Barbara

3231 Elings Hall
Co-manages the CSC HPC systems. Assists researchers in using computation, and HPC in furthering their research.

Max Wilson

Assistant Professor
UC Santa Barbara

3127 Biology II
Combining tools from Biology, Engineering, and Physics to understand the cell’s perceptual field.

Xifeng Yan

Computer Science
UC Santa Barbara

Henley Hall, Room 2017
The primary objective of my research is to explore foundational models in artificial intelligence, customize these models for data mining, and examine their application across domains such as finance, healthcare, and science. Historically, we have made significant advancements in graph data mining and we have inadvertently pioneered the use of Transformer-based methods in time series forecasting.

Yang Yang

Assistant Professor
Chemistry and Biochemistry
UC Santa Barbara

CHEM 1161D
Innovation in synthesis and catalysis at the chemistry-biology interface.

Miguel Zepeda-Rosales

Research and Development Engineer
Materials Research Lab
UC Santa Barbara

Design and develop custom instrumentation for X-ray diffraction experiments and related projects.