Education Director California NanoSystems Institute UC Los Angeles
Dr. Rita Blaik is the Education Director of the California NanoSystems Institute at UCLA, where she assists in Education and Outreach activities for MIP.
Professor Chemistry and Biochemistry UC Los Angeles
Boelter 4531K
We study life-like biochemical systems to understand their fundamental properties and address emerging challenges in biotechnology and infectious disease.
Distinguished Professor Chemical Engineering UC Santa Barbara
3105 MRL Building
The Fredrickson group has pioneered a new class of computer simulation techniques based on molecularly-informed statistical field theories. Such field-theoretic simulations enable the investigation of classical soft material and quantum many-body systems at an unprecedented range of length and timescales.
Professor Chemical Engineering UC Santa Barbara
3337 Engineering II
Prof. Helgeson is an expert in rheological and structural characterization of soft materials, including the development of new high-throughput methods for microrheology.
Outreach Lead Center for Science and Engineering Partnerships UC Santa Barbara
1205 Elings Hall
Fostering collaborations between science and engineering researchers and the larger community to promote STEM education and career awareness to a diverse student population.
Postdoctoral Researcher UC Los Angeles
Boelter Hall 6631
Dr. Jin Koo Kim's research is directed to develop diverse nanostructured materials and experimental tools for various electrochemical applications to tackle urgent challenges regarding energy and environmental issues.
Research Physicist Materials Research Laboratory UC Santa Barbara
MRL 2202
My research focus is on developing techniques, instrumentation tools, and analysis methods for advanced x-ray diffraction characterization of materials.
In August 2022 Dr. Maji joined the Doyle group at UCLA to work on designing radical polar crossover reactions aided by Data Science and High Throughput Experimentation.
Assistant Professor Bioengineering UC Santa Barbara
Bioengineering 3004
The Mills lab engineers and studies protein assemblies and materials to create accessible, bioengineered solutions in spaces like plastic waste degradation and oral vaccine delivery.
Professor Bioengineering UC Santa Barbara
Bioengineering 3108
Custom measurements and analysis systems for small scale metrologies including custom probes, sensors and actuators for biomechanics and mechanotransduction assays.
Research Computing Administrator Center for Scientific Computing UC Santa Barbara
MRL, 2066B
I focus on facilitating varied and optimal usage of high performance computational resources to a diverse scientific audience, all the while keeping the hardware happy.
Professor Chemical Engineering UC Santa Barbara
Engineering II 3321
Prof. Shell develops novel molecular simulation, multiscale modeling, and statistical thermodynamic approaches to address problems in contemporary biophysics and soft condensed matter.
Executive Director NSF BioPACIFIC MIP UC Los Angeles
Dr. Stieg oversees the CNSI at UCLA’s Technology Centers - user facilities that foster innovation, facilitate collaborations with industry, and aid in rapid commercialization.
Project Scientist NSF BioPACIFIC MIP UC Santa Barbara
Developing bio derived materials and their application in additive manufacturing; Developing additive manufacturing tools and methodologies to improved material properties.