Digital Ecosystem

BioPACIFIC MIP aims to serve our community of users with advanced physical instrumentation and cutting-edge scientific software. The BioPACIFIC MIP Digital Ecosystem is your base of operations for the latter, offering a variety of scientific software applications for use in the MIP. Included in this ecosystem are a user portal for managing internal and external user accounts; an electronic laboratory notebook (ELN) for recording experimental protocols and observations; a laboratory information management system (LIMS) for warehousing and viewing data from our characterization tools; a materials library for browsing publicly-available BioPACIFIC MIP-synthesized compounds and their associated data sets; the machine assisted product screening (MAPS) tool for advancing discoveries in evaluating natural product compounds for their polymerization potential; and more. The BioPACIFIC MIP Digital Ecosystem serves as your one-stop shop for all of these digital tools and more, as they are developed and released to our user community.


The BioPACIFIC MIP user portal is the gateway through which users access the BioPACIFIC MIP Digital Ecosystem. Users can log in or register for an account via the Login page. Approved users can make use of various applications, such as the ELN and LIMS, for their BioPACIFIC MIP projects, or to participate in MAPS.


The BioPACIFIC MIP electronic laboratory notebook (ELN) is a free-form, general-purpose digital notebook for recording experimental notes, observations, and methods. Special nodes can be inserted into the notebook that are recognized by other systems, such as the LIMS, which facilitates data sharing between applications.


The BioPACIFIC MIP laboratory information management system (LIMS) is a flexible yet highly structured data collection system. This system was built to house data generated from a variety of characterization tools and enables certain utilities, like data viewing operations, of publicly-available data.


The machine assisted product screening (MAPS) project is bridging an unexplored gap between synthetic biology and chemistry to enable researchers to search for bio-derived polymers through knowledge retrieval and ML-driven monomer prediction. The BioPACIFIC MIP MAPS tool gathers information about chemical compounds in the natural product space and evaluate them for their potential as polymer building blocks. This tool solicits knowledge from a wide range of domain experts to gain insights about what properties make for a good monomer. Visit our user-friendly web application, rate molecules, and contribute to the development of a comprehensive database that serves as a "map" for researchers to find targeted bio-derived polymers efficiently.


Materials Library

BioPACIFIC MIP aims to drive the discovery and production of novel bio-derived materials by enabling access to a community-supported library of monomers and polymers. Available materials are listed in the BioPACIFIC MIP Materials Library directory and can be requested via a Sample Request proposal.


We strongly recommend that applicants work with one of our project scientists or with our User Coordinator when planning experiments and writing proposals; they are happy to assist with discussions on scope, feasibility, and access, and can provide guidance on submitting the proposal documents. Specifically for Sample Requests, applicants will be asked to quantify the amount of sample requested in order to assess the feasibility of the project.

Submitting Sample Requests

Sample Request applications and proposal uploads should be made using the link in the Proposal Submissions Inset. BioPACIFIC MIP Proposals should cover the elements below. Proposals should not include confidential information.

Project Description, including references, addressing the items below if relevant (up to two-pages):

Intellectual Merit and Synergies

  1. Motivation
  2. Project Description or Sample Request Description
  3. Desired outcomes and relevance, including products
  4. What work will be performed at your home institution(s) to support the proposed project
  5. Description of quarterly technical milestones
  6. Material needs and characteristics (Required for Sample Requests)

Broader Impacts and Synergies

  1. Knowledge to be contributed to the BioPACIFIC MIP community
  2. Materials to be added to the BioPACIFIC MIP libraries (if any)
  3. Data to be added to BioPACIFIC MIP databases
  4. Collaborations with BioPACIFIC MIP Faculty/Staff/other (if any)
  5. Collaborations with groups outside of BioPACIFIC MIP that may leverage the results of this work
  6. Team, qualifications, and contribution to NSF/BioPACIFIC MIP diversity goals

A two-page NSF-style CV for the Lead PI should be included.

Full details on proposal submission and downloadable guidelines can be found here.

 Proposal Submissions