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BioPolymers, Automated Cellular Infrastructure, Flow, and Integrated Chemistry Materials Innovation Platform (BioPACIFIC MIP) is a platform dedicated to scalable, high-throughput, and data-driven development of advanced bio-derived materials. Automated high-throughput synthesis and characterization accelerate discovery and speed development of new high-performance materials.
Access to the BioPACIFIC MIP is open to all researchers through a competitive, peer-reviewed proposal process. The BioPACIFIC MIP enables access to state-of-the-art instrumentation and expert staff devoted to high-throughput and automated synthetic biology, materials synthesis, and characterization at no-cost, alongside engagement and networking with a National community of biomaterials researchers.
2025 Summer School
July 14-18, 2025. Applications are open!
News & Events
Overview Videos
- BioPACIFIC MIP Living BioFoundry: Automated Gene Assembly & Metabolite Analysis
- BioPACIFIC MIP Automated Chemistry Facility: Robotic Polymer Synthesis
- BioPACIFIC MIP microED: Three‐dimensional electron crystallography of microcrystals
- BioPACIFIC MIP Additive Manufacturing Facility: Open Access 3D Printers for Advanced Materials
The BioPACIFIC MIP is funded by an NSF cooperative agreement (DMR-1933487)