Shimadzu Nexera Preparative HPLC-MS

Preparative Hybrid HPLC-MS for the automated purification of peptoids, peptides, oligomers, and small molecules.
UC Santa Barbara
Research Areas
Characterization and Properties
Synthesis and Formulation
Shimadzu Nexera Preparative HPLC-MS
Shimadzu Nexera Preparative HPLC-MS

The Shimadzu Nexera Preparative HPLC system at BioPACIFIC MIP marks a significant advancement in preparative chromatography. Integrating an inline single quadrupole MS detector (LCMS-2020) with the HPLC system, it elevates the standard UV-based fractionation process to allow for direct on-line mass spectrometry. This integration ensures efficient collection of only fractions containing the target compound, significantly reducing or even eliminating the need for subsequent offline MS analysis.

Equipped with a 6-way switch valve, the system enables automated switching between three semi-preparative columns (19 mm ID) and two high-capacity preparative columns (50 mm ID), all installed simultaneously. This feature provides remarkable flexibility in column selection, controlled within the programmed method, and allows for optimized separation and purification processes to meet diverse research requirements.


Morgan Bates

Project Scientist
UC Santa Barbara

Zachary Nett

Staff Research Associate
UC Santa Barbara