Optics11 Pavone Multi-indenter
UC Santa Barbara
Research Areas
Characterization and Properties

Optics11 Pavone Multi-indenter
The Optics11 Pavone is a high-throughput mechanical characterization tool (modulus, adhesion, creep, stress relaxation). The instrument allows for testing of up to two 96-well plates in a single run, with Brightfield and Phase imaging capabilities.
Calibrated Probes:
- Load: 200 pN - 2 mN
- Diameter: 3 - 50 µm
- Indentation speed: 0.01 - 100 µm/s
Elastic modulus range: 1 kPa - 1 GPa
Temperature: room temperature to 50 ºC
Imaging capabilities:
- Brightfield
- Phase
- 20 x objective
Mechanical Characterization modes:
- Quasi-static indentation
- Step-response for creep and stress relaxation
- Dynamic/oscillatory (0.01 - 10 Hz)
- Adhesion
Juan Manuel Urueña
Project Scientist
UC Santa Barbara