2024 BioPACIFIC MIP Summer School

Date and Time

In-person from July 15-19 at UCSB and UCLA

The BioPACIFIC MIP Summer School offers undergraduate and graduate students, postdocs, faculty, technical staff, and industry researchers a week-long opportunity to learn more about scalable production of bio-derived building blocks and polymers.

The summer school features hands-on workshops on these topics:

  • Utilizing Automation and Synthetic Biology to Generate New Biomaterials.
  • MicroED: Welcome to the Future of Biomaterials.
  • Automate the Bench: Getting Started with High-throughput Synthesis.
  • 3D Printing for Next-Generation Biomaterials.
  • Advanced X-Ray Diffraction and Scattering for High-throughput Characterization.

Attendees will also participate in sessions promoting networking, professional development, and User Proposal development.

Space in the workshops is limited and an online application is required. Application deadline: April 1, 2024.